1 Corinthians 14:33 NLT “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God’s holy people.”
I think we can all agree we live in a very chaotic world. So much comes at us so fast from so many directions that it is almost impossible to put anything in order, least of all your thoughts. You begin one thing, something else arises, the first thing gets put to the side to deal with the new thing and so on and so on. Total disorder!Yet, God shows us He is the sovereign of bringing order and structure to all of creation. Genesis 1 tells us, He formed the world out of chaos and each of the next 6 days, He created everything to function together in harmony. He does the same with us! He longs to bring peace and order into our lives and will if we let Him. When we become aligned with His will, letting Him guide us through the confusion and disorganization of this life, we will feel His peace. I know this from personal experience. I call it my “pink cloud”. It’s those few times I have really felt His peace. To say it’s magnificent is an understatement of all understatements! I try so hard to think what I did to put me on that pink cloud, but maybe all I did at those moments was realize the futility of trying to control everything at once, all the time. All that does is end up in more chaos, confusion, and frustration. Regrettably, it does not happen as much as I’d like it to, considering I know the answer.
So, back to the first question. What came first, the chicken or the egg? On day five of creation Genesis 1:24 NIV says, “God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good”. Clearly, (you can thank me the next time someone asks you that question) that ends the debate. The chicken was created first! God does things in order, and if we allow Him into our sometimes, most times, chaos filled lives, He can show us the orderly steps we need to take to find His peace.
Prayer for this week:
Father, thank you for being a God of order in a world of chaos. We ask that you guide us with Your gentle hand and show us how to align with You daily. Let each one of us experience Your peace that surpasses all humanunderstanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen