“Oh how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand His decisions and ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give Him advice?” Romans 11:33-34 NLT
I recently read a book by David A. Rick called, “7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear in Church but Might Change Your Life”. He gave the following wonderful example: “When reporters interviewed soldiers who landed on the shores of Normandy in W.W.II, they found they all pretty much thought the same thing – they were doomed. They were doing their duty but just didn’t have an overwhelming sense of optimism, to say the least. However, when interviewing those who flew overhead in air missions, the reporters discovered they said almost the opposite. They knew right away the mission would be a success. The only difference between those on the ground, who thought they were doomed, and the ones in the air, who knew it would be successful, was perspective”.
Think about that.... How many times in our lives have we been in a situation or circumstance where we felt there was no way out or no answers? Feelings of hopelessness took root. I believe that’s because we see things that are right in front of us. Sometimes maybe a little bit ahead but usually as far as it goes. What we forget about is God’s perspective. Just like the airmen flying above the soldiers on the ground, God sees EVERYTHING!
Our sight is a very human, “right here and now perspective”. God’s perspective is ETERNAL. Once again, He sees the beginning, the middle and the end. It is very easy to see setbacks and disappointments as failures. Yet, it is important to remember when difficult things happen and let’s face it, they always do, that God sees the bigger picture, the WHOLE story. After all, He is the author of each and every life on this planet. God’s incredible love for us assures us that everything He allows or directs in our lives is always for our benefit and His glory. He has never done nor will He ever do anything that isn’t for our benefit—painful as it can be at times.
Try to shift your perspective this week, to see things through God’s eyes. Perhaps that one small tweak when you really are going through it, can bring peace into your life. Never hesitate to ask God to help you take a step back and allow you to see through His eyes even if it’s just for a moment. Sometimes a moment is all it takes!
Prayer for this week:
Dear Father,
Sometimes our perspective is very limited to what we see right in front of us. You, Father, see it all. Help us to have Your perspective, Lord. To see through Your loving eyes, that although we may never understand what this life brings to each of us, You do and You are always there working things for our good. Thank you, Father, for such a love as Yours and Your promise to never leave us nor forsake us. In the name of your loving Son, Jesus.